
About us

Dan Parr has been working in radio since he was 14 years old. He recalls, "When I was a freshman in high school I rode my bike to the local radio station and asked to talk to the owner.  I was upfront and told him I wanted to work in radio and I thought that he should hire me.  The owner was either amused or wanted to get rid of me, so he told me to write him a letter explaining why he should hire me.  I did, and he was impressed enough to hire me to catalog the station's song library for minimum wage.  I was thrilled to be there and have worked in media, in one form or another, ever since!" 

Dan has worked in radio from California to Florida, creating, producing and hosting a national radio feature.  Dan has even been On-Air Talent for a Television Network. 

In addition to voicing numerous commercials, Dan worked as a News Reporter, News Anchor, and Radio Talent. He has appeared in television commercials and music videos. He's also the author and narrator of the hilarious "The Bad Reindeer," available on iTunes, Audible, Amazon, and Amazon Video.

From childhood, Lori Parr enjoyed being in the spotlight.  She jumped at any chance she could get when it came to having a speaking part, be it in the Christmas pageant at church, or landing a narrative role in the school play.  "Reading in front of crowds was always something that gave me a bit of a rush.  It was an area in which I knew I excelled" she says.

Soon after graduating high school, Lori continued into the media world, studying radio and television broadcasting at an award-winning communications program.  "I was so lucky at that time because I got hired at a radio station before I completed college.  It helped me get the experience I needed to continue in the business.  It's a great feeling to wake up each day and get to do something as enjoyable as broadcasting!"  Lori soon found her niche in recording commercials and became a sought after announcer, with many sponsors requesting that she be the voice-over talent for their commercials. Now with years of experience, she says, "It's flattering when people put up their hard earned money to record a spot, and they specifically want you to deliver their message.  I am still humbled and honored that there are people who believe that strongly in my abilities."

Now with a SourceConnect equipped studio of their own, Dan and Lori make high-quality audio productions to meet the media needs of:

Message on hold systems
Interactive media
Training videos

Click the Demo button located in the links section above to hear samples of the work they can do!